Compassionate Counseling

I am here to support you in your process of self-discovery.
From my own life experience and inner knowing,
I can offer insight and guidance to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourself.

During our session, we will explore your issues so you may make peace with your life.
We can examine your emotional reactions, your beliefs about what is true,
and the judgments that keep you stuck.

Spiritual Guidance Sessions

As evolving souls on Planet Earth, we are here to learn to walk the path of the heart.
I am here to assist you to let go and surrender to love,
and to allow the mind to serve the heart.

Emotional Clearings

I can help you release emotions held in your energy field and stored in the organs of your body. I can help you understand the lessons your emotions are teaching you,
so you may see your resistance to accepting what is.


I am a channel for life force healing energies called Reiki.
It is a powerful force of light for healing our world.
As a Reiki master, I can direct the energy to your healing needs.
A Reiki session can relieve anxiety, reduce pain,
and bring a sense of well being and inner peace.

The Bach Flower Remedies

My background:  My life path led me to Ananda Ashram in 1978, where I was introduced to the Bach Flower Remedies. Years later I studied with Deborah Shomer in Port Townsend, WA, and Eric Love of the Leela School in Eureka, CA. I learned the principles of healing as taught by Edward Bach, an English physician who devoted his life to discovering the underlying causes of disease. He believed illness occurs when we fall out of harmony with the Law of Love, and that the path to healing is bringing the personality into attunement with the guidance of the soul.

Dr. Bach found that wildflowers hold keys to healing our minds and emotions,
and bringing us into a natural state of balance.
He created 38 vibrational tinctures from the native flowers of England
that transform our personalities and attitudes toward life.

The Perelandra Essences

By communicating with devas and nature spirits,
Machaelle Small-Wright created healing essences from plants.

The Perelandra essences hold electrical patterns from Nature
that repair and balance the bio-electric circuits of the body.
They include the Rose and Garden Essences, Nature Program, and Soul Ray Essences.

Serenity Vibration Healing and
Enlightenment Technique®

Serenity Vibration Healing was created to help you be free and hold the light. It has helped me maintain a higher vibration and a quiet mind.

Serenity uses quantum level reprogramming to help you release blockages
that are holding you back from realizing your divine potential.
You can let go of lifetimes of baggage in an instant,
freeing you to live more fully here and now.

Go within the stillness of the heart and you will find
the place of Serenity that is my home within you.”

The Creator




Tarra Light is a gifted Reiki Practitioner. I have many times experienced a very healing energy when she is doing Reiki for me. Not only is the energy she sends healing, calming, and relaxing, but it has often helped me feel better and resolve issues, both physical and emotional. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is in need of healing.

Avram Sacks, Ashland, Oregon, September 10, 2014


I had a healing with Tarra Light today. It was profound. Kilowatts of energy blew off. For the first time I believe that my beliefs in the impossibility of healing are not facts. I feel better in the present.

Richard Royce, Ashland, Oregon, April 9, 2014


Thank you so much, Tarra, for the fabulous pre-operative treatment. Your energy brought me clarity regarding the surgery and subsequent recovery – and that very strong, positive energy that accelerated the process. The healing was so fast and I am blessed.

Rev. Marian Breckenridge, Couer d’Alene, Idaho, June, 2014.


I had a wonderful distant healing session with Tarra Light. As I was laying down with my eyes closed, I felt like there was a hand being placed on my head, just above my forehead. The next thing I felt was a wash of love that went over my body that actually brought tears to my eyes! I could actually "hear" and feel the energy building around my body. My fingertips on my left hand, my injured hand, began to tingle. The tingling sensation traveled up my left arm and I noticed that my pain had left! I then felt the rest of my body become cold, so I pulled a blanket over me. I started to feel very relaxed and fell asleep. When I woke up about an hour later, I felt great. The pain in my wrist and hand was gone. It was still swollen, but the pain was gone.

Thank you Tarra and Light Beings! I am very grateful to you!

With much love,
Kathleen Soley, Ashland, Oregon, June 3, 2015


Contact: e-mail me
